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About FGL

Mission Statement



The organization's goal is to provide first-generation Pre-Law Undergraduate students at the University of Florida with the tools necessary to successfully navigate the law school admissions process and their future careers in the legal field. Through meetings, panels, workshops, and guest speakers, valuable information will be provided to UF Pre-Law students. This organization is based on equality, inclusion, respect, and professionalism. First-Generation Lawyers will function as a safe space in which all first-generation pre-law students can find an inclusive community within the campus. Overall, this organization's purpose is to provide future aspiring legal professionals the tools they may need to successfully overcome any obstacles or challenges that may present to first-generation pre-law undergraduate students.

A)   A member will pay a $20 fee for her or his first semester. Each semester after the first, each member will pay a $15 fee. If a returning member is not active or official, they will pay $20. Therefore, the maximum cost of dues is $20 per member and the minimum is $15. This money will be used for the food and beverages provided during general body meetings, socials, and the end-of-semester banquet.

- Fees are DUE at the GBM on 3/23 before Nominations take place.
- Fees can be paid to the FGL Venmo: @fgl-uf 

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General Events

  • Law School Student Panels

  • Law School Admissions Panels

  • LSAT Prep Courses & Presentations

  • Community Service Events

  • General Body Meetings

  • Fundraising

  • Guest Speakers

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